Explore our wide variety of designs to fit any need

Screen capture of a consultant and advisor website mockup, featuring a clean design with distinct sections for services, testimonials, and contact information all on desktop, IPad, and phone screens.

Consulting and advisors

Explore our advanced solutions for consultants and advisors. Our web design emphasizes clarity and professionalism, effectively showcasing services, testimonials, and key contact information

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Screen capture of a consultant and advisor website mockup, featuring a clean design with distinct sections for services, testimonials, and contact information all on desktop, IPad, and phone screens.

Contractors and Handymen

Our web designs for contractors and handymen are crafted to emphasize skill and reliability. They feature distinct sections for services, customer feedback, and easy contact methods.

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Law firm website mockup image, showing areas of practice, attorney profiles, and case studies all on desktop, IPad, and phone screens.

Lawyers and Law Firms

Discover our specialized designs for legal professionals. These sites provide space for displaying areas of practice, attorney profiles, and case studies, bolstering credibility and client trust.

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Automotive repair and mechanic services website mockup, showing services provided, booking system, and customer reviews all on desktop, IPad, and phone screens.

Autobody and Mechanic Shops

Check out our design solutions for auto body and mechanic businesses. They clearly showcase the services provided, feature a convenient contact form, and highlight customer reviews.

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Mockup image for a home remodeling website, highlighting sections for project portfolios, service details, and customer testimonials all on desktop, IPad, and phone screens.

Photographers and Videographers

Browse our specialized web designs for photographers and videographers. Our designs focus on showcasing a strong portfolio, detailing services, and sharing customer testimonials.

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Landscaping service website mockup, featuring a portfolio of past projects, service descriptions, and location details all on desktop, IPad, and phone screens.

Landscaping Businesses

Explore our professional web solutions for landscaping businesses. With distinct sections for past projects, service descriptions, and location details, these designs communicate the value of your services effectively.

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We launch sites in just four easy stages


At Cascade Web Solutions, our wireframing process begins by taking the valuable information provided by our clients and transforming it into an initial visual mockup. This crucial step allows us to create a structured layout that focuses on the user experience and showcases the essential elements of the website. By starting with a wireframe, we ensure that we're building a solid foundation for the design, based on your unique business needs and goals.

Once the wireframe is complete, we will be in contact with you for your initial thoughts. As we progress through the subsequent steps of the development process—initial build, testing and feedback, and finally, the launch—we'll continue to work closely with you, ensuring that your website is a true reflection of your vision and objectives.

Structured layout focused on user experience

Solid foundation based on unique business needs

Constant two-way communication

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business deserves
Websites that smoke the competition starting at $99/month

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Industry leading SEO services and website design based in Tri Cities Washington

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